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Pennsylvania Legalizes Slavery

Pennsylvania legalizes slavery.

Duke of Gloucester Dies

The 11-year old Duke of Gloucester, last surviving child of Princess Anne and second in line to the throne, died.


Act of Settlement

Parliament passed the Act of Settlement to prohibit Catholics from sitting on the throne and placing the succession with the House of Hanover.

Old Pretender Becomes King

James II died and Louis XIV recognized his son as James III (the “Old Pretender”) as rightful king of England and Scotland (September), prompting Parliament to legislate for an oath requiring a public abjuration of the Stuarts’ claim to the throne.

William Penn Granted Land Charter

William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of Pennsylvania and Territories granted a land charter in the establishment of Delaware.


The English Bill of Rights

England’s Court of the King’s Bench rules in Smith v. Browne & Cooper that “as soon as a Negro comes to England he is free; one may be a villein in England, but not a slave”. The high court had original jurisdiction over any business not claimed by the other courts and all cases concerning England’s monarch. Decisions of King’s Bench were controlling precedent in the North American colonies.

Act for Regulating Slaves

New York passes An Act for Regulating Slaves., which prohibits meetings of more than three slaves, trading by slaves, and testimony by slaves in court.

Smith v. Browne & Cooper

England’s Court of the King’s Bench rules in Smith v. Browne & Cooper that “as soon as a Negro comes to England he is free; one may be a villein in England, but not a slave”. The high court had original jurisdiction over any business not claimed by the other courts and all cases concerning England’s monarch. Decisions of King’s Bench were controlling precedent in the North American colonies.

William III Dies

William III died and succeeded by Queen Anne, who almost immediately declared a renewed war against France – the War of the Spanish Succession.


Massachusetts Requires Every Master to Pay for Liberated Slaves

Massachusetts requires every master who liberates a slave to pay a bond of 50 pounds or more in case the freedman becomes a public charge.

Connecticut Sentences Slaves to Whipping

Connecticut assigns the punishment of whipping to any slaves who disturb the peace or assault whites.

Rhode Island Passes Law Restricting Walking at Night

Rhode Island makes it illegal for blacks and Indians to walk at night without passes.


Virginia Slave Codes Enacted

Virginia’s House of Burgesses enacts the Virginia Slave Codes of 1705, a colonial statute regulating the interactions between slaves and citizens of the colony of Virginia. The colonial statute was devised to establish a greater level of control over the rising African slave population of Virginia. Virginia’s colonial statute is void ab initio since neither England’s King or the Parliament gives assent or ratifies colonial statute.


Virginia Slave Code Codifies Status of Slaves

The Virginia Slave Code codified the status of slaves, further limited their freedom, and defined some rights of slave owners. It defines all slaves as real estate, acquits masters who kill slaves during punishment, forbids slaves and free colored peoples from physically assaulting white persons, and denies slaves the right to bear arms or move abroad without written permission. It included provisions stating that non-Christians brought to Virginia would be slaves, even if they converted to Christianity. It also allowed slave owners to punish slaves without fear of legal repercussions and specified the rewards for the recapture of runaway slaves.

New York Declares Execution for Certain Runaway Slaves

New York declares that punishment by execution will be applied to certain runaway slaves.

Massachusetts Makes Interracial Marriage Illegal

Massachusetts makes marriage and sexual relations between blacks and whites illegal.

Virginia's House of Burgesses Enacts Virginia Slave Codes

Virginia’s House of Burgesses enacts the Virginia Slave Codes regulating the interactions between slaves and citizens of the colony of Virginia. The colonial statute was devised to establish a greater level of control over the rising African slave population of Virginia.


New York Declares Death Penalty for Murdering Whites

New York declares blacks, Indians, and slaves who kill white people to be subject to the death penalty.

Connecticut Requires Servants Seek Permission to Trade

Connecticut requires that Indians, mulattoes, and black servants gain permission from their masters to engage in trade.


Act of Union

The Act of Union between Scotland and England was ratified, and the new British Parliament soon took in its first Scottish Members.


Queen Anne

Queen Anne refused to assent to the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time the royal veto was used.

Southern Colonies Require Militia Captains to Enlist and Train Slaves

The Southern colonies require militia captains to enlist and train one slave for every white soldier.

Rhode Island Requires Slaves be Acompanied

Rhode Island requires that slaves be accompanied by their masters when visiting the homes of free persons.

Blacks Outnumber Whites in South Carolina

Blacks outnumber whites in South Carolina.


New York Requires Lanterns at Night

New York forbids blacks, Indians, and mulattoes from walking at night without lighted lanterns.


PA Prohibits Slave Import

Pennsylvania prohibits the importation of blacks and Indians.

RI Prohibits Imports

Rhode Island prohibits the clandestine importation of black and Indian slaves.


Revolt Against Slavery

African revolt against slavery in New York led to nine white men dead, 70 blacks arrested and jailed. Of the 70 blacks, 27 were put on trial and 21 convicted and executed.

Pennsylvania Restricts Slave Import

Pennsylvania passes law preventing importation of slaves.

New York Passes Law

New York declares it illegal for blacks, Indians, and slaves to murder other blacks, Indians, and slaves.

New York Forbids Freed Men From Owning Property

New York forbids freed blacks, Indians, and mulatto slaves from owning real estate and holding property.

Slaves Forbidden from Working for Hire

In Charleston, South Carolina, slaves are forbidden from hiring themselves out.

Pennsylvania Passes First Piece of Antislavery Legislation

The Pennsylvania Assembly passes An Act to prevent the importation of Negroes, arguably the first piece of antislavery legislation in the British Empire.


Anthony Benezet Born

Birth of Anthony Benezet in St. Quentin, France. Benezet would go on to be one of the most important Quaker abolitionists of the mid-eighteenth century.

Spain Gives Britain Control of Slave Trade

Spain awards the British South Sea Company the Asiento de Negros for thirty years – effectively giving Britain control of the Atlantic slave trade. The South Sea Company works with the Royal African Company to transport tens of thousands of enslaved people across the Atlantic in the coming decades.

Quaker Yearly Meeting

The Quaker Yearly Meeting in London writes to Friends in Pennsylvania telling them that slave trading ‘is not a Commendable nor allowed Practice’, but little action follows.

Treaty of Utrecht

The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession.


Queen Anne Dies

Queen Anne died and was succeeded by George I of Hanover by the Act of Settlement.


The American Defence of the Christian Golden Rule

John Hepburn, a Quaker from New Jersey, publishes The American Defence of the Christian Golden Rule, or, An Essay to prove the Unlawfulness of making Slaves of Men. Although it did not circulate widely, it contained almost every argument against slavery used by abolitionists over the coming century.

Rhode Island Legalizes Slavery

Rhode Island legalizes slavery.

Maryland Declares All Slaves - Slaves for Life

Maryland declares all slaves entering the province and their descendants to be slaves for life.


Fugitive Slave Law Enacted

New York enacts a fugitive slave law.


South Carolina Becomes a Colony

The charter of South Carolina is revoked. South Carolina becomes a royal colony. The colony has no plenary authority or power. The legislative assembly is bicameral and colonial statutes require the assent of the King. Colonial government is answerable to the monarch’s privy council whose then answerable to His Majesty’s Court of the King’s Bench.


Slaves Prohibited From Marrying Without Permission

French Louisiana prohibits slaves from marrying without the permission of their owners.


Quaker Yearly Meeting

The Quaker Yearly Meeting in London again writes to Friends in Pennsylvania telling them that slave trading ‘is not a Commendable nor allowed Practice’. This provokes debate among Friends in Philadelphia.


First Maroon War

Increased conflict between British troops and the maroon community in Jamaica leads to the start of the First Maroon War. The maroons – former slaves living in independent communities – would conduct a guerilla war against the British for over a decade.


Charter of North Carolina is Revoked

The charter of North Carolina is revoked. North Carolina becomes A royal colony. The colony has no plenary authority or power. The legislative assembly is bicameral and colonial statutes require the assent of the King. Colonial government is answerable to the monarch’s privy council whose then answerable to His Majesty’s Court of the King’s Bench.

Benjamin Franklin Publishes Antislavery Tract

In Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin publishes A brief examination of the practise of the times, an antislavery tract written by the Pennsylvanian Quaker Ralph Sandiford.


Chesapeake Rebellion

The ‘Chesapeake Rebellion’, an uprising of several hundred enslaved people in Virginia, ends with the brutal suppression of the rebels.

England Trades Aggressively

From this time onward, England trades aggressively in North American slaves, with New York, Boston and Charleston thriving as home ports for slave vessels.


Spanish Reverse Decision

The Spanish reverse a 1730 decision and declare that slaves fleeing to Florida from Carolina will not be sold or returned.


Georgia Granted Charter

The colony of Georgia is granted a charter. Georgia became a royal colony. The colony has no plenary authority or power. The legislative assembly is bicameral and colonial statutes require the assent of the King. Colonial government is answerable to the monarch’s privy council whose then answerable to His Majesty’s Court of the King’s Bench.


Slaves Kill Captain and Crew

Slaves aboard the ship of New Hampshire Captain John Major kill both captain and crew, seizing the vessel and its cargo.

Georgia Granted Charter

The colony of Georgia is granted a charter.


The Molasses Act

The Molasses Act attempted to stop the triangular trade between the Americas, Europe, and Africa trade fueled by West Indies slave trade requiring more slaves to harvest sugar destined to colonial ports to be converted into rum for shipment to England as a European trade commodity.

Quaker Elihu Coleman Publishes Anti-Slavery Testimony

In Rhode Island, the Nantucket Quaker Elihu Coleman publishes A testimony against that anti-christian practice of making slaves of men. Although this does not circulate widely, it is nonetheless the first officially sanctioned antislavery text in the Quaker tradition.

Enslaved Africans Take Control of Sugar Plantations

A group of at least 150 enslaved Africans on the Danish Caribbean island of St. John take control of the colony’s sugar plantations.


Georgia Petitions to Legalize Slavery

Georgia petitions Britain for the legalization of slavery.

Louis XV, King of France

Louis XV, King of France, declares that when an enslaved woman gives birth to the child of a free man, neither mother nor child can be sold. Further, after a certain time, mother and child will be freed.


Georgia Petitions to Legalize Slavery

In Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin publishes All Slave-keepers that keep the Innocent in Bondage, Apostates, an antislavery tract written by the Pennsylvanian Quaker Benjamin Lay.


Benjamin Lay Likens Slavery to Stabbing the Bible

Benjamin Lay performs his famous ‘bladder of blood’ protest at the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Quakers in which he likens slave trading to stabbing the Bible. The stunt spatters those present with fake blood (hidden inside a bladder in a hollowed-out Bible, which he stabbed with a sword), and was successful in drawing attention to cruelty of slavery, but Lay was swiftly disowned by the Quakers.

Georgia's Trustees Permit Importation of Black Slaves

Georgia’s trustees permit the importation of black slaves.

Spanish Florida Promises Freedom

Spanish Florida promises freedom and land to runaway slaves.


Slaves in South Carolina Revolt

In South Carolina, a group of enslaved Africans led by a slave called Jemmy, or Cato, take up arms against their enslavers. They rebel, sack and burn an armory and killing 25 colonists and up to 50 slaves. The colonial militia puts an end to the rebellion before slaves are able to reach freedom in Florida.


Nanny of the Maroons Sign Peace Treaty

The Jamaican maroon communities under Nanny of the Maroons and others sign a peace treaty with the British, ending the First Maroon War. The British recognize the maroons, but the maroons are forced to accept the slavery system on the island.

South Carolina Act Makes it Illegal for Slaves to Move Abroad

South Carolina passes the comprehensive “Negro Act,” making it illegal for slaves to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to read English. Owners are permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary.

Georgia and Carolina Attempt to Invade Florida

Georgia and Carolina attempt to invade Florida in retaliation for the territory’s policy toward runaways.


Hundreds of Slaves Arrested

A series of fires in New York City leads to a mass panic among the colonists who come to believe in a conspiracy by enslaved people. Although historians are unsure whether such a conspiracy in fact existed, hundreds of slaves are arrested and, by the late summer, dozens had been convicted and hanged and hundreds transported out of the colony.


Philadelphia Quakers Add Questions to Queries

Philadelphia Quakers add the question ‘do Friends observe the former advice of our Yearly Meeting, not to Encourage the Importation of Negroes not to buy them after imported’ to the ‘Queries’ which all Quakers in the colony were required to answer.


1705 Virginia Act Repealed

George II repeals the 1705 Virginia act by which slaves were deemed real estate.


Slavery Condemned

John Woolman addresses his fellow Quakers in Some Consideration of the Keeping of Negroes and exerts great influence in leading the Society of Friends to recognize the evil of slavery. The London Yearly Meeting also issues a statement condemning slavery in its Epistle for the first time.


Quakers Forbidden From Owning Slaves

Pennsylvania Quakers forbid their members from owning slaves or participating in the slave trade.


Anthony Benezet Pens Anti-Slavery Pamphlet

Publication in Germantown (PA) of Anthony Benezet’s pamphlet, Observations on the Inslaving [sic], Importing and Purchasing of Negroes, the first of many anti-slavery works by the most influential antislavery writer of 18th century America.


Anthony Benezet Pens Anti-Slavery Pamphlet

New Jersey prohibits the enlistment of slaves in the militia without their master’s permission.

Anthony Benezet Pens Anti-Slavery Pamphlet

In Jamaica, a large number of enslaved Africans led by Tacky rise up with the intention of creating an independent Black state. The uprising is quickly put down, and Tacky killed, but the event inspires further rebellions across the island. By the end of ‘Tacky’s War’ later in the year, about 60 colonists and 400 slaves had been killed.


King George the Third marries Sophia Charlotte

King George the Third marries Sophia Charlotte, the daughter of Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Mecklenburg-Strelitz… Queen Charlotte. She’s a direct descendant of the black branch of the Portuguese Royal House.


World's First Antislavery Organization Established

Society of Friends the world’s first antislavery organization is established.

King George III Marries Sophia Charlotte

King George III marries Sophia Charlotte, the daughter of Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Queen Charlotte is a direct descendant of the black branch of the Portuguese Royal House.


George the Fourth Born

Queen Charlotte gives birth to George the Fourth, who upon birth is named the Prince of Wales: the heir apparent to the British throne.


Peace of Paris

Peace of Paris ended the Seven Years War. Britain gained Quebec, trans-Appalachian lands, the Florida, French West Indian islands and Senegal.

Proclamation Line of 1763

The Proclamation Line of 1763 was a British-produced boundary marked in the Appalachian Mountains at the Eastern Continental Divide to prohibit the colonists from settling on lands acquired from the French following the French and Indian War.


Battle of Buxar

East India Company victorious at the Battle of Buxar and later granted the right to collect revenue in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.

John Newton Ordained

The former slave trader John Newton is ordained into the Church of England and publishes An Authentic Narrative of Some Remarkable and Interesting Particulars in which he expresses few reservations about his former career.

Revenue Act

The Revenue Act required American merchants to post bonds before loading their cargoes destined to America.


Stamp Act

The Stamp Act imposed a revenue stamp on all newspapers, pamphlets, almanacs, legal documents, liquor licenses, college diplomas, playing cards, and even dice.

Regency Act

The Regency Act of 1765 designated Queen Charlotte as Regent until her son, George IV, becomes of age to assume the throne after the death of his father, King George III.


Stamp Act Repealed

England’s Parliament repeals The Stamp Act on March 18, 1766 but concurrently issues The Declaratory Act of 1766 to reaffirm parliamentary sovereignty. The Act rescinds colonial lawmaking powers, repeals all colonial statutes and laws. Parliament declares its authority to pass any colonial legislation it sees fit.

Stamp Act Repealed

Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

Declaratory Act

Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which made all colonial laws and rights to govern themselves null and void.


A Caution and Warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies

Anthony Benezet publishes A Caution and Warning to Great Britain and her Colonies, in a short representation of the calamitous state of the enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions in Philadelphia.

Virginia House of Burgess Boycotts Slave Trade

The Virginia House of Burgess boycotts the British slave trade in protest of the Townsend Acts. Georgia and the Carolinas follow suit.

Townshend Acts

The Townshend Acts added duties to the importation of paper, lead, painters’ colors, and tea.


Boston Non-Importation Agreement

Boston Non-Importation Agreement addressed the colonies defiance not to import tea, paper, glass, or painters’ colours, until the acts imposing duties on these articles have been repealed


Granville Sharp publishes Antislavery Work

Granville Sharp published A Representation of the Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery: Or of Admitting the Least Claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men, in England in London, the first major work of antislavery by a British author.

Charleston Non-Importation Agreement

Charleston Non-Importation Agreement encouraged and promoted the use of North American manufactured goods in lieu of imports from Great Britain.


Crispus Attucks Dies

Crispus Attucks, an Afro-Englishman is the first person to die in Boston Massacre.


James Somerset Separates from Master

James Somerset separates from master Charles Stewart while in London. He’s captured and Lord Chief Justice William Mansfield of the Court of the King’s Bench issues a writ of habeas corpus and schedules a trial.

Some Historical Account of Guinea

Anthony Benezet publishes Some Historical Account of Guinea in Philadelphia. This comprehensive exposé of the slave trade would inspire a generation of antislavery campaigners.


England’s the Court of the King’s Bench Rules Slavery Not Allowed

England’s the Court of the King’s Bench rules in James Somerset v. Charles Stewart… slavery was not “allowed or approved by the laws of this Kingdom” and can only exist based upon “positive law”. Somerset is granted freedom. 15,000 Afro-Englishmen are immediately released from bondage in England and Wales. Slavery is deemed unlawful throughout the British Empire and all colonial slave statutes rendered void ab initio by English law.

Lord Mansfield Reaches Judgement

Lord Mansfield reaches judgement in the Somerset Case. He rules that no person, whether a slave or otherwise, can be compelled to leave the country against their will. Although this does not in fact make slavery illegal in England, it makes it more difficult to enforce and the judgement is therefore widely interpreted as ending slavery in England.

Quaker John Wollman Dies

Death of American antislavery Quaker John Woolman in York. He died from smallpox while on an antislavery mission to England.

James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw Published

James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw becomes the first published black author in Britain when his autobiography, A Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, An African Prince.


Sons of Liberty

Sons of Liberty formed in New York for fair representation in Parliament.

First Black Church Founded

The first separate black church in America is founded in South Carolina.

Slaves Unsuccessfully Petition Government

Slaves in Massachusetts unsuccessfully petition the government for their freedom.

Phillis Wheatley is Published

Phillis Wheatley becomes the first published African-American poet when a London publishing company releases a collection of her verse.

The Dying Negro is Published

John Bicknell and Thomas Day publish The Dying Negro. The poem drew public attention to the slave trade.

Tea Act

The Tea Act gave the East India Company a trade monopoly on tea imports to American market.

Boston Tea Party

American protesters dumped tea in Boston Harbour -the Boston Tea Party.

East India Company Regulating Act

Parliament passed Lord North’s East India Company Regulating Act.


First Continental Congress Convenes

The First Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia to organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Intolerable Acts passed in May of the same year.

Intolerable Act

Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts to punish Boston and Massachusetts and to settle a government in Quebec.

Administration of Justice Act

The Administration of Justice Act protected persons from accusation during the suppression of riots and tumults in Massachusetts.

The Coercive Acts

The Coercive Acts were a series of acts imposed by England in response to the Boston Tea protest: the Port Act closed the port of Boston until the loss of the East India Company’s tea was repaid; the Massachusetts Regulating Act revoked Massachusetts’s colonial charter; and the Quebec Act granted a centralized government to Quebec and extended the Canadian border to the Ohio River.

The Quartering Act

The Quartering Act allowed the billeting of British troops in civilian homes.

Thoughts Upon Slavery

The Boston Port Act shuts down the transport and receipt of good into and out of Boston in response to the colonist tea revolt.

First Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress bans trade with Britain and vows to discontinue the slave trade.

Association of the Virginia Convention

The Association of the Virginia Convention addressed grievances and distresses regarding the unconstitutional Acts of the British Parliament.

Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Georgia Prohibit Importing Slaves

Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Georgia prohibit the importation of slaves.

Virginia Takes Action Against Importing Slaves

Virginia takes action against slave importation.

First Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia to organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Intolerable Acts.


Lord Dunmore Grants Conditional Freedom

Lord Dunmore, the governor of Virginia declares martial law and conditionally grants freedom to all enslaved Afro-Englishmen held in bondage by Patriots.

Charlotte Town Resolves

The Charlotte Town Resolves stipulated North Carolina’s independence from Great Britain and the establishment of separate North Carolina’s counties with governing authority.

Slave Population in the Colonies Hits 500,000

The slave population in the colonies is nearly 500,000. In Virginia, the ratio of free colonists to slaves is nearly 1:1. In South Carolina it is approximately 1:2.

Georgia Takes Action Against Importing Slaves

Georgia takes action against slave importation.

Black Minutemen Participate in First Battle of Revolutionary War

Black Minutemen participate in the first battles of the Revolutionary war are waged between the British and Colonial armies at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.

Washington Bans Enlistment of Free Blacks and Slaves

In July, George Washington announces a ban on the enlistment of free blacks and slaves in the colonial army. By the end of the year, he reverses the ban, ordering the Continental Army to accept the service of free blacks. More than 5,000 blacks, mostly Northerners, fought against the British.

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS)

Founding of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery (PAS), the world’s first antislavery society and the first Quaker anti-slavery society.

Thomas Paine Speaks Out Against Slavery

Thomas Paine speaks out against slavery and joins the PAS with Benjamin Rush.

Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage

The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Seventeen of the 24 founders are Quakers.


13 Colonies Declare Independence From England... and Adopt English Law

The Patriots declared the 13 North American colonies to be the United States of America… an independent nation, issues s Declaration of Independence and then formally adopts English law.

Jefferson Drafts Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson, a slave-owner, presents a draft declaration of independence to the American Continental Congress, which lists grievances against the British crown and parliament.

Continental Congress Ratifies Declaration of Independence

The American Continental Congress ratifies its declaration of independence, but omits the antislavery passages that had been included in earlier drafts.

Slaves Majority in Tobacco-Producing Areas

In the tobacco-producing areas of those states, slaves constituted more than 50% of the population.

Quakers Forbidden From Owning Slaves

In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Society of Friends, also known as the Quakers, forbids its members from holding slaves.

Delaware Prohibits Importing Slaves

Delaware prohibits the importation of African slaves.


Vermont Abolishes Slavery

Vermont is the first of the thirteen colonies to abolish slavery and enfranchise all adult males.

New York Enfranchises Free Propertied Men

New York enfranchises all free propertied men regardless of color or prior servitude.

Vermont Republic Becomes First US Territory to Abolish Slavery

In its newly ratified constitution, the Vermont Republic becomes the first territory that is now part of the United States to outlaw slavery.


Rode Island Forbids Slaves From Leaving State

Rhode Island forbids the removal of slaves from the state.

Virginia Prohibits Importation of Slaves

Virginia prohibits the importation of slaves.


The Philipsburg Proclamation Issued

England’s General Henry Clinton issues The Philipsburg Proclamation granting freedom to all Revolutionary War-era slaves and conferred British subjecthood unto all Africans suffering as slaves in the North American colonies.


Delaware Forbids Importing of Africans

Delaware makes it illegal to enslave imported Africans.

Pennsylvania Begins Gradual Emancipation

Pennsylvania begins gradual emancipation.

Massachusetts Includes Freedom Clause in Constitution

A freedom clause in the Massachusetts constitution is interpreted as an abolishment of slavery. Massachusetts enfranchises all men regardless of race.

An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery

An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery enabled a ruling on the management and treatment of Negroes and mulattoes in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania General Assembly Passes Act

The Pennsylvania General Assembly passes An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, one of the earliest laws enacted by an elected body to abolish slavery.

Gradual Emancipation Act

Gradual Emancipation Act passed in Pennsylvania to appease slave owners in the abolition of slavery.


Cornwallis Surrenders

British general Lord Cornwallis surrendered to Americans at Yorktown.

Revolutionary War Ends

British forces surrender to American forces at Yorktown, Virginia, effectively ending the American Revolutionary War.

Articles of Capitulation

The Articles of Capitulation detailed the surrender, treatment and release of British forces.

Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation united the thirteen colonies.

Collingwood Murders 132 Enslaved People

Luke Collingwood, the master of the slave ship Zong, which was running short of water and provisions, murders 132 enslaved people by throwing them alive into the sea. Collingwood believes that the massacre will allow him to claim their value on the ship’s insurance.

Massachusetts Slaves Sue Master For Freedom

Mum Bett and another Massachusetts slave successfully sue their master for freedom.


The United States Sues for Peace

The United States sues for peace and the Peace Commissioners agree citizens of each other nation will be “set at liberty” upon ratification of a peace treaty and both parties agree to cease “hostility” as a condition for peace.

Virginia Encourages Private Manumission

Virginia, followed by other Southern colonies, encourages private manumission.


Afro-Englishmen Terrorized

Abuses were rampant. Afro-Englishmen were terrorized by slave catchers and former slave masters. England files a complaint with the U.S. delegation which includes George Washington. The U. S. delegation is informed by England’s General Guy Carleton that by English law, all former colonial slaves are Englishmen and entitled to liberty… but Washington claims they are slaves based upon “Colonial statutes”. Washington’s claims were not supported by English law, as the Somerset Decision in 1772 had rendered such statutes void ab initio and England had emancipated all colonial slaves by June 1779 during colonial times. General Carleton states that he will remove all Afro-Englishmen from the United States who wanted to leave, however, if removing Afro-Englishmen and others proved to be a violation of the treaty, applying English law then compensation would be paid by the British government. To provide for that possibility, both he and Washington agreed to generate a registry called Book of Negroes, listing their names, ages, and occupations, along with the names of their former masters, so that “the owners might eventually be paid for the slaves who were not entitled to their freedom by British proclamation and promises”. Both sovereigns keep a registry of negroes.

3,000 Afro-Englishmen Transported Out of the United States

General Guy Carleton transports 3,000 Afro-Englishmen out of the United States and memorializes their names in England’s Book of Negroes.

Judge Rules Insurers Liable to Pay for Lost Slaves

Lord Chief Justice Mansfield rules in court that insurers are liable to pay compensation for the 132 people murdered on the slave ship Zong. The ship’s owners are not charged with murder.

Lord Mansfield Overturns Decision - Rules Owners Should Not Be Compensated

In a second trial in the Zong case, Lord Mansfield overturns his earlier decision and rules that the owners of the ship should not be compensated for the death of the 132 enslaved people that Collingwood had murdered. No further action is taken, but the event outrages public opinion.

Bishop Urges More Humane Treatment of Slaves

The Bishop of Chester, Beilby Porteus, preaches a sermon before the Anglican Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts urging the Church of England to treat the slaves the church held in the West Indies more humanely and to offer them religious instruction.

The Definitive Treaty of Peace

The Definitive Treaty of Peace was signed by America and Great Britain, officially signifying America’s independence and ending the Revolutionary War.

Virginia Emancipates Slaves Who Served

Virginia emancipates those slaves who served in the colonial forces against Britain, provided that the slave’s master gives permission.

Maryland Prohibits Slave Imports

Maryland prohibits the importation of African slaves.

Affluent Blacks In New Orleans Organize for Mutual Aid

Affluent free blacks in New Orleans, Louisiana, organize the Perseverance, Benevolence and Mutual Aid Association to support their own interests and assist the poor.


America’s Congress Ratifies the Treaty of Paris

America’s Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris of 1783 on January 14, 1784 agreeing British colonial rule ends upon England’s ratification and all prisoners held in the United States would be released. Afterwards, the British ratifies the treaty on April 9, 1784. However, the United States violates treaty by refusing to release 500,000 Afro-Englishmen, relegates them to slavery claiming these British prisoners were slaves during colonial times and owned by Americans based upon “Colonial statutes” rendered void ab initio by the 1772 Somerset Decision and England’s Phillipsburg Proclamation of June 1779 during colonial times.

Emancipation in Rhode Island and Connecticut

Rhode Island and Connecticut begin gradual emancipation.

North Carolina Prohibits Slave Import

North Carolina prohibits the importation of African slaves.

Jefferson's Proposal Fails

Jefferson’s proposal to restrict the westward expansion of slavery fails.

Treaty of Paris of 1783

America’s Congress ratifies the Treaty of Paris of 1783, agreeing British colonial rule ends upon England’s ratification and all prisoners held in the United States would be released.

n Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies

James Ramsay publishes An Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies which, although not condemning slavery outright, provokes a vicious response from West-Indian slaveholders, thereby opening a public debate about slavery and the slave trade.


New York Emancipation

New York passes a gradual emancipation law, prohibits the importation of slaves, and allows masters to manumit slaves without posting bonds.

Virginia Enacts "One Drop" Rule

Virginia deems any person with black blood to be a mulatto and declares that the use of the term Negro is understood to include mulattoes.

First Autobiography of Free Black Man

Publication in London of John Marrant’s book, A Narrative of the Lord’s Wonderful Dealings with John Marrant, a Black Man, the first autobiography of a free black.


Clarkson Publishes Essay

Publication in London of An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African, by Thomas Clarkson. Quickly reprinted in the United States, it is the single most influential antislavery work of the late 18th century.

Birth of Thomas Fowell Buxton

Birth of Thomas Fowell Buxton at Castle Hedingham, Essex. Buxton would go on to lead the Anti-Slavery Society in the early nineteenth century.


Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Commerce of the Human Species

Ottobah Cugoano publishes Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Commerce of the Human Species, the first dedicated abolitionist publication in English by an African.

Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade

The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade is founded in London by twelve men, including Thomas Clarkson and Granville Sharp. At their instigation, the following five years would see a surge in abolitionist activity in Great Britain and around the world.

Northwest Ordinance

Northwest Ordinance prohibits slavery in the Northwest Territories, except as criminal punishment, in the Northwest Territory (later Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin). Residents of the territory are required to return fugitive slaves.

Benjamin Franklin becomes Honorary President

Benjamin Franklin becomes Honorary President of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery.

U.S. Constitution Drafted

The U.S. Constitution is drafted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

African Methodist Episcopal Church Founded

Black preacher Richard Allen founds the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

African Mason Lodge Founded

Prince Hall founds the first black fraternal organization, the African Mason Lodge, in Boston, Massachusetts. It provides services to the black community and lobbies against slavery and discrimination.

Free African Society in Philadelphia Established

Philadelphia free blacks establish the Free African Society in Philadelphia, the first independent black organization and a mutual aid society.

Rhode Island Forbids Slave Trade

Rhode Island forbids residents from participating in the slave trade.

Delaware Regulates Slave Trade

Delaware regulates interstate slave trade.

South Carolina Ends Slave Trade

South Carolina ends domestic and international slave trade.

North Carolina Places Duty on Imported African Slaves

North Carolina levies a prohibitive duty on imported African slaves.

US Constitution Counts Slaves as 3/5 of a Man

The ratified U.S. Constitution allows a male slave to count as three-fifths of a man in determining representation in the House of Representatives. The Constitution sets 1808 as the earliest date for the national government to ban the slave trade.

Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade - London

Founding in London of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

William Wilberforce Becomes Leader

William Wilberforce becomes the Parliamentary leader and begins a ten-year campaign to abolish Britain’s slave trade


U.S. Constitution is Officially Ratified

U.S. Constitution is officially ratified by the signing of New Hampshire on June 21, 1788, thus extending slavery.

"Slaves for Life"

New York passes a new comprehensive slave law, confirming that all current slaves are slaves for life.

Connecticut and Massachusetts Forbid Slave Trade

Connecticut and Massachusetts forbid residents from participating in the slave trade.

South Carolina Permits Domestic Slave Trade

South Carolina permits domestic slave trade to continue.

Pennsylvania Amends Law

Pennsylvania amends law to forbid removal of blacks from the state.

Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade Denounces Slavery

The former slave trader John Newton publishes Thoughts upon the African Slave Trade in which he denounces his former career.

Société des amis des Noirs

The abolitionist Société des amis des Noirs (Society of Friends of the Blacks) is founded in Paris by Jacques Pierre Brissot.

Sir William Dolben's Slave Trade Bill

After several months of debate, Sir William Dolben’s Slave Trade Bill becomes law by Parliament, which limits the number of enslaved people that any single ship can carry.


Privy Council Publishes Review of Slave Trade

The Privy Council publishes its review of the slave trade.

Observations on the Slave Trade, and a Description of some part of the Coast of Guinea

The Swedish explorer Carl Bernhard Wadström publishes Observations on the Slave Trade, and a Description of some part of the Coast of Guinea in London. The work excited much interest and William Wilberforce drew upon it in his parliamentary speeches.

Parliament Adjourns Slave Trade Debate

Parliament adjourns debate on the slave trade.

Storming of the Bastille in Paris

In Paris, the storming of the Bastille marks a new radical phase in the ongoing French Revolution. The revolutionaries’ demand for ‘Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity’ would be taken up by enslaved people throughout France’s colonies and beyond.

James Ramsay Dies in London

Death of James Ramsay in London, reportedly from illness brought on by exhaustion caused by attacks on his reputation from slaveholders.

Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery

The Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes and Others Unlawfully Held in Bondage is founded.

Maryland Declines to End Slave Export

Maryland denies Quaker requests to end the exportation of slaves.

U.S. Constitution Replaces Articles of Confederation

U.S. Constitution officially replaced the Articles of Confederation when the first Federal Congress assembled in New York.


Congress Denies Naturalization for Enslaved People

Congress denies naturalization to anyone who is not a free white.

Congress Advocates Expansion

Congress advocates the expansion of slavery into the Southwest.

Parliamentary Committee Begins to Consider Evidence

A parliamentary select committee begins to consider the mass of evidence about the slave trade.


Slave Insurrection in French Colony

Slave insurrection in the French colony of St. Domingue begins the bloody process of founding the nation of Haiti, the first independent black country in the Americas.more than 4000 white colonists are killed and hundreds of sugar plantations destroyed. Refugees flee to America, many coming to Philadelphia, the largest and most cosmopolitan city in America with the largest northern free black community.

First Parliamentary Bill to Abolish Slavery Introduced

William Wilberforce introduces the first parliamentary bill to abolish the slave trade. It was defeated the following evening by 163 votes to 88.

Anna Laetitia Barbauld Writes Epistle to William Wilberforce

In protest at the event, Anna Laetitia Barbauld writes a poetic Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. On the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade, 1791.

Benjamin Banneker Publishes Almanac

Quaker-educated Benjamin Banneker, an astronomer and mathematician, becomes the first black man to publish an almanac.

Vermont and Kentucky Admitted to Union

Vermont and Kentucky are admitted to the Union.


Congress Excludes Blacks from Military

Congress excludes blacks from military service.

Freetown Founded

Freetown, Sierra Leone in West Africa is founded by 1,100 slaves who were freed by the British during the Revolutionary War.

Danish Government Passes Forordning om Negerhandelen

The Danish government passes the Forordning om Negerhandelen (Ordinance on the Negro Trade), making Denmark the first nation to outlaw the slave trade.

Mary Birkett Publishes A Poem on the African Slave Trade

Mary Birkett, a Dublin Quaker, publishes A Poem on the African Slave Trade. Addressed to her own Sex in two parts in April and June.

Second Bill to Abolish Slavery Introduced

William Wilberforce introduces the second parliamentary bill to abolish the slave trade. It passes by 230 votes to 85, a final abolition date is later fixed at 1796, but this is not put into effect.


France Declares War on Great Britain

France declares war on Great Britain, commencing the Revolutionary Wars that would continue, in various forms, until 1815. As well as land conflict in Europe, the wars extended across both countries’ colonies, with serious implications for enslaved people.

Third Bill to Abolish Slave Trade is Defeated

A third parliamentary bill to immediately abolish the slave trade is narrowly defeated by eight votes.

Eli Whitney Invents Cotton Gin

A young Yankee schoolteacher named Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

First Fugitive Slave Law Passed

The first Fugitive Slave Law is passed, allowing slave owners to cross state lines in the pursuit of fugitives and making it a penal offense to abet runaway slaves.

Philadelphia Free Blacks Rally During Yellow Fever Epidemic

Hoping to build sympathy for their citizenship rights, Philadelphia free blacks rally to minister to the sick and maintain order during the yellow fever epidemic. Many blacks fall victim to the disease.


Congress Prohibits Slave Trade Between US and Foreign Countries

Congress prohibits slave trade between the U.S. and foreign countries.

Paris Convention Declares Slavery of Negroes Abolished

In Paris, ‘La Convention Nationale déclare que l’Esclavage des Negres dans toutes les Colonies est aboli’ (‘The National Convention declares that the slavery of the Negroes is abolished in all the colonies’).

Carl Bernhard Wadstrom Publishes Essay on Colonization

Carl Bernhard Wadström publishes the first volume of his Essay on Colonization, particularly applied to the Western Coast of Africa, with some Free Thoughts on Cultivation and Commerce which strongly criticized the slave trade but also advocated European colonization of Africa.


War in France Intensifies, Interest in Slave Trade Diminishes

As the war with revolutionary France intensifies, public interest in the slave trade diminishes throughout Britain. The Abolition Society stops meeting.

The Sorrows of Yamba

Hannah More and Eaglesfield Smith publish The Sorrows of Yamba; or, The Negro Woman’s Lamentation as one of the Cheap Repository Tracts.

1795-1820 Religious Revivalism

During a period of religious revivalism, known as the “Second Great Awakening,” slaves convert to Christianity in large numbers for the first time.


The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam

John Gabriel Stedman publishes The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam. The book includes depictions of the cruelty of slavery, vividly illustrated by William Blake, but is not an avowedly abolitionist text.


Free Blacks in Philadelphia Protest

In the first black initiated petition to Congress, Philadelphia free blacks protest North Carolina laws re-enslaving blacks freed during the Revolution.


Georgia Prohibits International Slave Trade

Georgia prohibits international slave trade.


Virginia Banishes Mothers and Children

Virginia banishes white mothers of mulattoes with their children.

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